Cosmetologa to rejuvenate the face

With age, women increasingly glancing at himself in the mirror and sigh: yet another wrinkle was added. And ask for the catalog, the miracle of the cream of wrinkles, promises a lifting effect for a maximum of two weeks. With the hope that they expect this same effect, without realizing that the science of beauty dedicated to maintaining the level of female attractiveness, because it offers your the same age as the release of odious wrinkles without the cream.

The new word in the science of the beauty of the female body – hardware face rejuvenation. That is not bad the experience of our predecessors, who had useful bath with a toning effect, but the science has advanced a bit since then. Now in the help the woman come smart devices able to regain your good mood and confidence in their own irresistibility.

Hardware procedures: for and against

Cosmetologa to rejuvenate the face

Hardware face rejuvenation in cosmetology is a set of procedures with the use of specialized techniques for the introduction of cosmetic products on the problem areas subcutaneously. It is a long time that it took the first steps in this field, the fruit of the new machines, we have incorporated modern technologies. But the person still more vulnerable part of our body, since the first gives the age of the woman. From this, we can point out the principal indications for the use of hardware procedures for rejuvenation of the face:

  1. Clear signs of aging of the skin
  2. Wrinkles not only in the area of the eyes and lips.
  3. Acne
  4. Age age spots
  5. A remarkable loss of elasticity, and the elasticity of the skin

You have made all the procedures are safe and effective. It all depends on the professional qualification of aesthetics, the choice of equipment and technique.

As every manipulation performed by the person with the special education, the hardware procedure of skin rejuvenation of the face also has some contraindications. Among them:

  1. The tumor of the education in the body
  2. The poor clotting of the blood
  3. Oncology
  4. Skin problems, including fungi of the defeat
  5. Individual allergy to the components of the medicines, supplies, under the skin

Warning! Hardware procedures during pregnancy expressly contraindicated by the risk of development of pathology in the fetus.

The many faces of cosmetologa

The many faces of cosmetologa

The technical progress all the time offers new opportunities and options for the improvement of the quality of the procedures for the recovery of tired skin. Among the hardware types of procedures it is possible to identify the main:

  1. Massage, through the use of the devices. The species of this massage is long, but highlighted by three leaders of a bath tub, pneumomassage, and vibrating massage.
  2. The procedure of lifting a result has cut the skin, elimination of wrinkles. Get the lifting effect can be adhered to, or by surgical intervention.
  3. Laser correction, when the computer achieve an effect of rejuvenation and skin tightening in the cheeks.
  4. Liposuction. Is the removal of excess fat layers method of pumping. To carry out this manipulation can be in one of two ways – by laser and ultrasonic.
  5. Cryo procedure. Helps the healing of the whole body by the method of the local in the cryo sauna, or a cryo pool.
  6. The galvanotherapy, in which the skin have had little influence of the energy of the current.

With the help of the cosmetologa, you can eliminate malignancies in the body in the form of warts or alopecia, as well as get rid of the postoperative scars.

With the help of the cosmetologa you can delete

General description of the methods of facial rejuvenation

Thanks to the diversity of the media in the field of cosmetology, we have developed many different methods effects in the skin of the face. Each one of them focuses on the issues according to the type of skin and depends on the plot on which you want to work.

With the effectiveness of the techniques, discuss difficult, as each woman choose the method of exposure, which has as its goal the liberation specifically of their problems. The most popular techniques of facial rejuvenation are the following:

  1. Ultrasound SMAS facelift Alters lift. One of the most common procedures of hardware of facial rejuvenation in the classrooms and clinics of cosmetology. At the same time, completely painless, and am pleased to fast result.
  2. Photo-rejuvenation. Is the impact of the deep layers of the skin flashes of light, as when photographs are taken. The intensity and the brightness of the sprouts accumulate to restore the elasticity of the skin and the disappearance of wrinkles and acne.
  3. Radiolifting. Smooths out wrinkles in the skin of the face due to the influence of the apparatus, which contributes to an increase in the temperature of the skin. The update occurs of the substance of collagen, responsible for improving the elasticity of the epidermis.
  4. ELOS – procedure. Is the impact of the light and the electric current whose intensity is determined at the beginning of the session. During the operation the patient feels the rhythmic tingling, but do not cause discomfort or pain. But the result will soon be pleased.
  5. Rejuvenation through injection. The most common is an injection of hyaluronic acid. It is a methodology for those that is not taking into account the impact of the surgery, and the look that you want is young and fresh.
The opposition of the pros and cons of hardware procedures

The opposition of the pros and cons of hardware procedures

Cosmetologa the rejuvenation of the face, the constant introduction of new lines and techniques in their area of competence. Women, just follow the news in this area, to consult a specialist to solve the problem. To understand the effectiveness of hardware rejuvenation procedures, it is necessary to consider their light and dark part more thoroughly. For more details, we refer to the comments of the visitors of the cosmetics of the rooms and from them we will make an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of hardware of facial rejuvenation.

The first and probably the biggest advantage of hardware of facial rejuvenation is the lack of a surgical intervention. That such, if the woman does not want to risk their health and get the same result irreversible, and will only be returned to your attention longer, but safe and effective hardware procedure?

Now will deal with the summaries of the characteristics of each one of the previously mentioned methods, hardware facial rejuvenation.

Alter lifting

The most common methods, and aesthetically justified. As this is the first unit, whose impact is not directed to the skin, and in the layer to the subcutaneous and the muscles, the name that gave the name to a procedure – SMAS. Thanks to this, the impact of the ship and achieved an impressive and at the same a fast effect. With this method of skin rejuvenation of the face is raised corners of the lips, the contour of the face becomes more sharp, the top of the eyelid to go up, smoothed over the area of the eyebrows. It is because of this performance Alters facelift remains the best-selling view of hardware of the procedures.

Alter lifting


As has already been pointed out, this method of hardware of facial rejuvenation is based on the impact of the outbreaks of the deep layers of the skin (the epidermis). The advantages of this procedure, it is worth mentioning the short duration of the session and the absence of pain. Yes, and the result of satisfaction. All who have been procedure fotorejuvenescencia point out that the wrinkles are smooth, disappears pigmentation of the skin, acne, does not bother more hair of the toothed wheel. So that the photo-rejuvenation with courage can be attributed to the effective procedures, of hardware of facial rejuvenation.

Radiolifting (Thermage)

Activation of the collagen by increasing the temperature of the skin have a good result after the celebration. The advantage undoubtedly of Thermage is the absence of contraindications. After the procedure, no traces are left on the face, and entirely free from risks of allergies.


This hardware of a procedure clearly can be called effective in the field of facial rejuvenation, as the "awakening" of collagen by the exposure to the electrical current and the light, is not each methodology under force. About the procedure will be similar to only a mild tingling, and the rest is a pleasure.

The methodology of the introduction of drugs to the skin rejuvenation of the face also found its fans, between those who are afraid of surgery and don't believe in the hardware cosmetology. Here we use a meso – therapy, ozone. When mesotherapy under the skin will introduce the vitamins and other substances to the activation of intradermal processes. The application of ozonetherapy pound of the causes of aging of the skin of the introduction of oxygen.

It has not happened in the hardware of rejuvenation of the people and without the reverse of the medal. Before you begin any of the procedures of rejuvenation, it is necessary to examine the issue in detail. Sometimes it happens that before hardware procedures, specialists recommend the use of manual methods – massage or dry cleaning. Certain disadvantages in the application of these methodologies, highlighting the lack of impact on the muscle tissue and the lack of stimulation for production of collagen.

The youth, after 50 minutes

The impact on the discoloration of the skin should be more intense and prolonged. As pointed out by many of the visitors to clinics beauty, only the most expensive of the methodology gives as a result the hardware for facial rejuvenation in women 50 years of age.

Important! For the exposure of the skin, people over 50 years of age, had a minimum of problems, you must begin to maintain the balance, not later than 30 years.

The skin with age loses elasticity and elasticity, becomes dry and dull. All of these changes occur because of the hormonal change in the background of the female body. Help women recapture the joy and the freshness of the so-called methodology of bezoperatsionnogo hardware from rejuvenation of the skin of the face.

  1. Laser correction. The rays of the laser deeply affect the cells of the skin, the skin is not wounded and the method is applied without any consequences.
  2. Facial rejuvenation fractional. Disperses the laser beam, by penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, stimulates the regeneration and production of collagen.
  3. The method of sanding the skin. This will eliminate the old cells of the layers, which do not allow the skin to breathe. Grinding affects the surface of the skin without affecting the depth.
  4. Photo-rejuvenation also applies to the mature skin and gives good result with low cost of time and effort.
  5. Thermage involved in own production of collagen and elastin, this method has no contraindications.
  6. Women after 50 years of the sample injection method of rejuvenation of the face. Hyaluronic acid injections or botox will be the youngest person in several years, in the same way a normal woman's life does not change.
  7. Introduction in the skin of the face yarn which has shown good results in the elimination of the second chin and the stretching of the skin on the cheeks. This method of facial rejuvenation is one of the expensive, but their effectiveness has held many.
  8. Ozone therapy gives good result is applicable to the mature process of aging of the skin. The return of the skin, oxygen stimulates cell renewal and helps to restore the elasticity and freshness.
  9. Circular stretching of the skin refers to the surgical procedures of rejuvenation of the skin of the face, and is indicated for patients with obvious signs of aging. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, and in consequence, the second chin, wrinkles disappear and the skin of the face looks much younger.
The youth, after 50 minutes

To slow down the process of aging of the skin of the face carefully pick the cosmetic products for the care of the skin, take into account the naturalness of the ingredients and respect the regularity. But some creams and masks to keep the skin condition is quite difficult, so that you can take advantage of the tools for the rejuvenation of the face in the home. Simply choose a quality model of computer, and learn how to use it. Is the output for those who can't find the time to visit the beauty salon or to whose hands trust more than a stranger.

The hardware procedure for facial rejuvenation called to preserve the youth and the peace of mind of women at any age and, therefore, the pertinence and relevance will be preserved for many years. As the woman who wants to be young and beautiful forever.